Why do we have to do duties?
Brandon Heights would lilke every player and family to contribute to the wide range of jobs that keep the WSA competition running in line with what other clubs do.
The committee have set up the roster trying to consider when players are at the grounds for games, general experience and ability. If you can't make the dute that has been assigned to you it is YOUR responsibility to swap it or make other arangements.
You should be reminded of your duty about a week out but please take the time to make note of it as reminders may be forgotten.
!! NOTE: The Association imposes heavy penalties on the club if we fail to fulfil these duties.
Missed duties mean our OPEN 1 team FORFEITS for the first offence, plus our OPEN 2 team on the 2nd offence and all our Senior teams for the 3rd offence.
[and yes…the association really will do this!]
When am on on duties?
To find out when you are rostered on to help with the club duties please click the below link, and log in.
You will see a list of all Saturdays and if your are rostered on you will see what job you have been assigned for that day.
You can download a calendar entry so you don't forget.
What do I need to do?
Below are the details for each task, if you have questions about a task please email the club.
Diamond Set up for D7
D7 is located along Jells Road in the middle.
- Replace base plugs with bases.
- Water all red gravel areas before marking lines.
- Mark the 1st and 3rd base lines, instructions are in the box lid.
- Rake around home palate and base cut-outs.
- Check pitching distance., adjust the plate if required.
- Sweep the dug-outs.
Duty Day activities
Early Morning
- Collect bread/rolls from One Stop Bakery to be delivered to the Waverley canteen
(1304 High Street Rd, Wantirna South)
- If no SEMR bread rolls can be collected and arrive at WSA by 12pm
- Collect keys from whiteboard in control room.
- Unlock external toilets, cage room and garage (secure padlocks to the roller doors)
- Unlock umpires' doors and pavilion.
- Raise pavilion window shutters
- Put out wheelie bins to all diamonds, 2 bins in front of the pavilion deck and 3 bins
(including one yellow lid recycling bin) in the canteen enclosure at the back
- Put one Yellow lid bin at front of Pavilion and one yellow lid bin in the beer garden
- Unlock equipment boxes on all diamonds
- Set up tables and chairs in the beer garden (from under the pavilion)
- Set up table, waste bin (with bin liner) and menu board for canteen from pavilion
- If its a hot day, place empty orange drink containers on deck.
- Check sufficient bags or injury ice in freezers in back of control room; fill more if needed.
- Return duty keys to control room
& AFTER THE 2:00pm game.
- Check toilet paper and hand towels in all toilets and refill if necessary.
- Make sure that rolls are loosened and placed the correct way around (supply will be kept in back of control room)
- Spray any surfaces with supplied anti-bacterial spray
- 12:00pm -1:45pm
- 1:45pm - 3:45pm
- 3:45pm - 6:00pm
- Report to the WSA canteen
- Serving customers & food prep.
- Assist with stocking fridges & jobs requested by the canteen team.
Afternoon / Pack up
- Bring in bins from all diamonds and the canteen enclosure
- Leave one empty bin on diamond 1 and 2 for night games
- Leave 2 empty bins plus 1 YELLOW LID BIN in the canteen enclosure
- Empty waste bin from deck
- Place full bins facing the road near brush cage (up behind diamon 1) 30cm apart for collection
- Leave 1 empty garbage bins and 1 empty recycle bin in front of the canteen deck.
- Check all equipment is off diamonds and equipment boxes are locked.
- Lock toilets (keys are in the canteen) and cage equipment room
- If orange drink containers are out, collect, empty and put them in the umpire room.
- Put away waste bin and all other COVID items in the pavillion
- Sanitise and put away any unused tables and chairs in the beer garden, under the pavilion.
- Ask members to put it away if they're using it